- Full 32-bit performance
- Toolbars and menu-driven for all functionality
- No programming of procedures, algorithms or graphing
- Advanced on-line help system
Non-Parametric Spectral Analysis
Eigen Analysis Spectrum
- Eigen Analysis Spectrum provides accurate and robust spectral procedures for estimating harmonic frequencies
- Provides excellent signal-noise separation
- Graphically select signal and noise sub-space; also available in certain parametric procedures
Data Processing
- Non-Linear Optimization offers parametric refinement of spectral estimates: least-squares, maximum likelihood
- Fourier Interpolation
- Fourier Upsampling
- Parametric Interpolation and Prediction
- Graphically inspect the autocorrelation series
- Detrend: Constant, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, Hyperbolic
- Difference the data with adjustable order and lag, compute various cumulatives and normalize for unit area, unit power, unit standard deviation and zero mean
- Add or subtract a reference signal
- Compare imported reference signals
- Gaussian deconvolution or exponential deconvolution to remove instrument response smearing
- Find long-term "memory effects" in flat frequency response signals with Fractal Dimension option
Numeric Review
- Full component numeric summary report include: procedure, algorithm, listing of interpolated spectral peaks, frequency analysis and linear least-squares fit summary
- List data offers extended data summary with results from each of the procedure such as frequency, magnitude, phase and power spectral density
- Goodness of fit statistics: r2, degrees of freedom adjusted r2, fit standard error, F-statistic
- Evaluation option with automated table generation, includes function, derivatives, roots and cumulative volume; X values can be generated or imported from file
Output and Export
- Publication-quality printed graphs
- Image formats include bitmaps, metafiles, enhanced metafiles and device-independent bitmaps
- File formats include ASCII, Excel, Lotus, SYSTAT, SPSS
- Export numerical summaries and graphs to MS Word RTF documents
Data Input
- Up to 65,536 points in data table
- Over 65.4 million points can be filtered into table using decimation import filter
- ASCII (Single, X-Y and Multi-column)
- Excel (Excel 97, Excel 95, v5, v4, v3)
- Lotus 123 (WK4, WK3, WK1)
- Quattro Pro (WB2, WB1)
- SigmaPlot (JPG, SPW, SP5)
- SPSS (SAV v7.5, v8 and v9)
- Waveform (WAV MS PCM 8, 16, 32 bit)
- DIF (Single, X-Y and Multi-column)
- dBase (DBF III+, IV)
- Import Preview graphs prospective data
- Separate append options that automatically averages replicates
Fourier Spectral Analysis
Procedures: Fourier Spectrum, Fourier Spectrum with Data Window, Fourier Spectrum with Data Window Comparison, Fourier Spectrum of Segmented Data, Fourier Multitaper Spectra, Fourier Spectrum of Unevenly Sampled Data (Lomb-Scargle)
Transforms: FFT Radix2, Prime Facto, Mixed Radix, Chirp-Z, Best Exact-N
Zero pad
30 tapering windows:
Fixed: none, Welch, Bisquare, Bartlett, cs2 Hanning, Tukey-Hanning, cs2 Hamming, Bartlett Mod, cs3 Nuttall C3, cs3 Blackman, cs3 Blackman-Harris 3, cs3 Nuttall C1, cs3 Blackman Exact, cs3 Blackman-Harris min, cs3 Nuttall min, cs4 Nuttall C5, cs4 Blackman-Harris 4, cs4 Nuttall C3, cs4 Nuttall C1, cs4 Blackman-Harris min, cs4 Nuttall min
Adjustable: Beta, csx max Roll-off, Kaiser-Bessel, VanderMaas, Chebyshev, Chebyshev Appr, Slepian DPSS, Gaussian, Tapered-Cosine
Compare up to 4 tapering windows simultaneously
Measure data window properties: mainlobe, sidelobe, roll-off
Time-Frequency Spectral Analysis
- Short-Time Fourier Transform Spectrum uses a series of segmented and overlapped FFTs to find Fourier spectral information for non-stationary data
- Continuous Wavelet Spectrum multi-resolution time-frequency techniques: 3D surface, contour, power integration across time or frequency
- Wavelet spectra can be generated with up to 100 linear or logarithmic frequencies
- Adjustable mother wavelets: Morlet, Paul, Gaussian Derivative
- Zero padding available
- Full critical significance limits available as 3D gradients
- Graphical rendering of cone of influence
- Automated power analysis by integrating interpolated wavelet spectrum surface
Filtering and Reconstruction
- Fourier Smoothing and Denoising: frequency or signal threshold filtration
- Eigen decomposition Smoothing and Denoising: signal strength threshold filtration
- Wavelet Smoothing and Denoising: thresholds in the time-frequency domain for non-stationary data
- Fourier Filtering and Reconstruction: Fourier domain filtering and component isolation procedure
- Eigen decomposition Filtering and Reconstruction: isolates individual oscillatory components in signals
- Wavelet Filtering and Reconstruction: isolates in the time-frequency domain
- Savitzky-Golay Smoothing filter: includes smoothing to 1st through 4th derivative
- Spline Estimations: cubic, cubic constrained, smoothing cubic, B-spline, B-Spline Fix knots, B-spline Optimal knots, NURBS
- Adjustable order Loess with tricube and Gaussian weighting
Significance Levels
- Unique Peak-based critical limit levels to ascertain the significance of the spectral components
- Critical limits plotted are: 50%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% (uses color gradients for wavelets)
- Peak-type critical limits are based on Monte Carlo trials with algorithms exactly as implemented
- Can specify AR-1 red-noise background spectrum option
Production Facility
- Batch process large numbers of data sets in an unattended procedure
- Import up to 64,515 data sets from Excel 95/97 with up to 255 worksheets and multiple columns per worksheet
- Acquire data using simple DLL interface
- Automatically export numerical summaries and/or graphs to MS Word RTF documents
- Automatically export results of analysis to an Excel 95/97 file